Thursday, September 16, 2021

Portrait Roundup & Additional Character Preview

 It's time to blab on about Avee's wonderful character portraits again, as well as tell you guys about three characters (two of which I have been completely silent about thus far). Let's start with the first character, who is actually no stranger to those who have been following Penumbra Crystallis' development so far. 

Hey, it's Veks! He also has a proper surname now at last. While Veks will not be a permanent party member, I do anticipate that he'll pop up every now and then to help the party out when they're in a bind. Veks currently joins the party twice, first when Vahn and Hans investigate the Branch Sewers and then a second time when Vahn and Vera head to Oaktown. I may give the player the option to have Veks permanently tag along later as an optional character, at which point I may make him controllable as well. We'll see! Veks deserves recognition as a "party member" though even if he isn't a permanent addition simply because players will be seeing a lot of him and he will be a staunch ally.

The resident bad boy general from Blackmoon Prophecy will experience a change of heart throughout the events of Blackmoon Prophecy, but what will trigger him to switch sides? Well, that's for the players to discover themselves since I'm not here to give story details away. What I can say is that Braak's weapon of choice is the greatsword and his main purpose in battle will be shutting down enemies and creating weaknesses.

Wait a second! What game is this again!? You're seeing things correctly, that's Edric Csardim from Blackmoon Prophecy II. Avee redesigned Edric's portrait to make it fit in with the style he has used for the rest of Penumbra Crystallis' portraits. So what is Edric doing here? Well, he's going to be encountered by players just by playing through the game normally and he will still be a military man from Lenadia. That's about where the similarities end. Since Edric will be an optional character, I'll leave what he does a surprise to the players.

There is also one final character, an optional female character (who will be completely new and is not a holdover from Blackmoon Prophecy) that I have not commissioned a portrait for yet, but she will have some interesting gameplay mechanics and will have a unique equip screen that will look like this:


Looking forward to the final character and working out how she'll play, but that's a story for another day!

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