Friday, May 21, 2021

Synthesis Shops

Inspired by Final Fantasy IX, and sort of an improved successor to Blackmoon Prophecy's blacksmiths who upgrade equipment, Penumbra Crystallis will feature synthesis shops. I'll call them something different so that they don't step on Final Fantasy IX's toes, but it will function mostly the same.

These shops will start appearing once the player reaches Trei, which is the fourth town you can go to and is the first one that you can't walk to uninterrupted when you acquire access to the world map (Valla, Branch Village, and Meksicburg can be travelled to the moment you're done with the introductory events in Valla). All you will need to do is present two items in your inventory to the smith running the shop, and they will combine the items into something new for a small fee.

I'll give the first example right away. Trei is a town built over a lake, so they have a water theme going on (but so does most of Branch given the presence of the Water Crystal). The synthesis shop in Trei will allow you to present two early game pieces of armor, the Cloth Shirt and Cotton Robe, to create a new piece of armor called the Tortoise Shell. Equipping it will grant you slightly more defense than the armor you can buy in shops, provide an additional point of speed and spirit, and it will also increase water elemental resistance of the character wearing it by 25%.

As I have left A LOT of blank spaces in the game's database to add new items, these synthesis shops will be able to create armor, helmets, shields, weapons, and even accessories such as rings and trinkets in some cases. 

It will be a good idea to always visit the synthesis shops before you sell old gear to see if the stuff you bought 1-2 towns back can be used to create something new. In some cases, like in Final Fantasy IX, you'll even be able to purchase the required items in the very town you're in.

The first synthesis shop will be added later today, at which point I'll share a picture or two on Discord. 

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