Friday, May 14, 2021

Wanted: Battle Animation Artist(s)

 I didn't think that I would need to do this, but I'm putting this request out there.

I've been handling all graphics (minus portraits and monsters) completely on my own so far, and while I've had no issues doing sprites and tiles (I've actually been enjoying it!), battle animations are proving to be a little trickier. Designing nice looking spell and weapon effects is definitely not my area of expertise and I'm issuing a call for anyone who would like to help to lend a hand if willing! Let me clear about what this request entails as well, just to clear up possible confusion:

What I do not want: Someone who is willing to edit rips or offer franken creations (assets made from cutting and pasting parts from various pieces together). I am also not looking for recolours. Penumbra Crystallis features entirely original graphics, no rips. I appreciate any desire to help, I really do, but these are not things that I need nor will they make it into the game.

What I do want: Someone who is able to create, from scratch, assets that are reminiscent of early SNES RPGs. Think Dragon Quest V, Final Fantasy IV, Paladins Quest, etc. Another example of the quality I'd aim for is Shining Force on the Genesis. Again, only talking about battle animations. No monsters, character sprites, etc. Just the bare animation graphics.

If this is something that you're interested in, hit me up by commenting here or contacting me on my Discord server (link is in the sidebar).

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