Friday, February 19, 2021

Portrait Preview: Vahn & Vera

 Avee has made good progress on three portraits so far. I'll show off two since one of them is of a character who was not a playable party member in the original Blackmoon Prophecy.

So, here's Vahn and Vera! I think Vera looks pretty A+ already. I submitted feedback on Vahn regarding his eyebrows looking a bit "angry", but he's pretty good otherwise.


  1. Is the third the thief you've been planning for Surt Cave? Taka I suppose. About the portraits, I dunno if I'm ready to go with this Chubby Kid Vaan, Always imagined him more badass. Btw Vera face is Awesome

    1. Yeah, I already submitted some feedback on Vahn's portrait, so he'll probably be improved on.

      Third portrait that Avee has shown me is for a character who won't join for 20ish hours. The thief character is Hans, who joins right at the start.
